My Love of Historical Fiction

Somewhere between the ages of 8 and 10 my father and I walked a street below the campus of Davis & Elkins College and my father pointed to the two lovely homes on the hill above. He told me that Stephen Elkins had a young career in the west, in New Mexico. He became a politician there and was elected Congressman. My dad didn’t know why Elkins had stayed in the east and married a woman whose father was a West Virginia senator. I told Dad that since no one in our new little town of Elkins knew anything about Elkins’ early career, I sensed a scandal. I wasn’t wrong.
As a child I read a great deal. I was an only child and we had no relatives in West Virginia where we moved from Pittsburgh when I was eight. I read the usual fare for my era: Heidi, the Nancy Drew series, and Little Women. Somehow, I was introduced to All This and Heaven Too by Rachel Field. I was spellbound and hell bent on getting more. That’s how my reading and writing career began. I loved the era of Rachel Field’s ancestors and the stories surrounding the laying of America’s transatlantic cable. Her writing set off my fascination with American history